Our impact Facts and figures Our impact All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. This is the first article of the 'United Nations Declaration of Human Rights' and it is our motivation at Allevia. Allevia was born out of a need to fight for the rights of people who do not enjoy freedom and rights like others in our community – people with a disability for whom everyday life is a challenge. We seek to not only do whatever we can to support members of the community to live a life free of inequality and restriction, but to ensure that our community recognises and supports its most vulnerable members to live a fulfilling life. At Allevia we believe that rights are not given and that most people don’t want our help, but they do want to be honoured for who they are and have us walk beside them and support them in their struggle with whatever life brings their way. Community is a complex network of people relating to each other socially and economically. It is about the places where we interact and it is not just about living near others. Often people we live with are ignored and this is what it means to be isolated. So if a person who is isolated wants to be part of a community we all need to be open to forming a relationship with them that is based on respect for their rights. We will not stop until every person enjoys strong relationships with others in their community. Join us today as we support members of the community in rising above life's challenges Volunteer Work With Us Manage Cookie Preferences