Focusing on impact Allevia delivers a range of programs and services in fulfilment of its mission “To listen, find and share pathways with people in our community that fulfils their needs, wants and dreams.” Allevia currently reports its outputs and outcomes and while this reporting is of significant interest to key stakeholders and provides a rationale for its use of funding, the long term sustained change or impact resulting from its programs and services is not well understood or communicated. An understanding of impact and ability to measure and report is an increasing priority for Allevia and is currently being driven by an increasing expectation of donors, funders and governing bodies. For example, in 2018 the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) commissioned a report titled Measures in Support of the Not-for-Profit Sector – Indicators of Object 1(b), which explores the second Object of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012. According to the ACNC ”the report is the start of a conversation about how to define what a robust, vibrant, independent and innovative sector looks like, and how it can be measured.” (ACNC Quarterly 17, Issue 17 – February 2019) Funders such as The Ian Potter Foundation are equally committed to long-term sustainable change and outcomes measurement. Every application must include a section named ‘Outcomes & Metrics’. “It is the aim of the Foundation that the projects that it funds will have impact beyond immediate key performance indicators and outputs. In your application, you will be asked to select up to three long-term outcomes … in your final report, you will be asked how you progressed on your long-term outcomes. It’s helpful to select your metrics early on, so you can begin to collect information about your success as soon as your project begins.” Ian Potter Foundation In order to remain relevant, innovative and continue to meet client, government agency, funder, donor and community expectations, Allevia has developed and implements an impact model and framework. The impact framework enables us to continue to develop best practice programs and services, understand and communicate their impact, and ensure the value of its programs extends beyond the immediate outcome experienced by its beneficiaries. Furthermore, the impact framework informs the Case for Support and Fundraising and Marketing strategy. Manage Cookie Preferences