Give the gift that keeps on giving

If you have a disability or have a family member who has a disability then you know only too well the challenges that trying to actively live and participate in the community can cause. A disability can have a very negative impact on someone’s life. A bequest to Allevia truly is a gift that keeps on giving.

Your Gift will:

  • Provide much needed funds to build or purchase accessible housing that ensures that people with a disability have a place to call home – a place where they are safe and they can thrive.
  • Provide much needed funds to provide purpose built places in the community where people with a disability can engage in meaningful activities and even prepare for entering the workforce;
  • Give children and young people with a disability back their smiles as we develop programs that will support them to improve their lives;
  • Help us to purchase and maintain accessible transport for people who just can’t get around on public transport because of their very special physical needs.

Gifts left to Allevia over the years, large and small, have had a tremendous impact, often life-changing, on the lives of people with a disability – many who do not have the support of family.  Without the generosity of the kind people who leave us Gifts in their Wills, we would struggle to help the people that we do.   Leaving a Bequest is a wonderful way to make a positive difference by continuing to touch the lives of others beyond your own lifetime.

Suggested wording

To assist your solicitor or legal adviser, here is a sample of our suggested bequest wording for a gift of residue.

I, ______________________ GIVE to Allevia Limited (ABN 78 554 047 325), the residue of my Estate free of all duties for the general purposes of the company and the receipt of the proper officer of the company is a sufficient discharge for my Executor/Trustee.

To assist your solicitor or legal adviser, here is a sample of our suggested bequest wording for a specific legacy.

I, ______________________ GIVE to Allevia Limited (ABN 78 554 047 325), the sum of $XXXXX free of all duties for the general purposes of the company and the receipt of the proper officer of the company is a sufficient discharge for my Executor/Trustee.

To assist your solicitor or legal adviser, here is a sample of our suggested bequest wording for a specific purpose.

I, ______________________ GIVE the rest of my estate (or specified proportion of the rest of my estate) to Allevia Limited (ABN 78 554 047 325) for the purposes of _____________ by the company and the receipt of the proper officer of the company is a sufficient discharge for my Executor/Trustee.

Our full name and address is:

Allevia Limited

PO Box 2600

Revesby North NSW 2212


Please let us know

We understand that making a Will is a very personal matter. However, if you do leave a gift to Allevia Limited, or have already done so, it would be a great help if you could let us know.

As well as being of assistance for our future planning, it gives us an opportunity to acknowledge and recognise your generosity and to discuss your wishes. Any information you give us will of course be in the strictest confidence.

If you have already made a Will, perhaps you could consider asking your solicitor to add a codicil, which will incorporate your gift to Allevia Limited.


For further information on making a Gift in your Will, in strict confidence, please phone Philip Petrie on 02 9773 8894 or [email protected].